Soil Moisture and Snowpack Pilot Program

Montana Mesonet Moccasin Station, one of the newly retrofitted soil moisture and snowpack monitoring stations in the Upper Missouri River Basin project.
Montana Mesonet Moccasin Station, one of the newly retrofitted soil moisture and snowpack monitoring stations in the Upper Missouri River Basin project. (MT Mesonet)

Lead offices

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law summary: “Shall be for the study of soil moisture and snowpack monitoring network in the Upper Missouri River Basin pursuant to section 511(b)(3) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020 (division AA of Public Law 116–260), in equal amounts for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2025.”

NOAA’s National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) will coordinate an inter-agency team to conduct a Data Value Study of the pilot program; that is, a study of a) the value of the data generated by the Upper Missouri River Basin Soil Moisture and Snowpack Pilot Program to support natural resource decision making and weather and climate research, and b) the viability of the Pilot Program’s data acquisition structure. For the study, NIDIS will utilize existing collaboration channels established under the National Coordinated Soil Moisture Monitoring Network, as well as engagement across NOAA line offices.


 $1M over 4 years


Montana Mesonet Moccasin Station, one of the newly retrofitted soil moisture and snowpack monitoring stations in the Upper Missouri River Basin project.
Montana Mesonet Moccasin Station, one of the newly retrofitted soil moisture and snowpack monitoring stations in the Upper Missouri River Basin project. (MT Mesonet)

Lead offices